Tuesday, December 18, 2012

In Favour of Collective Well-being

Events and everyday news, brought to us by media or other means of communication, including locality gossip, usually present a sad picture of the society. We are forced to criticize such events when what we hear does not appeal our senses. At other times, when there are bits and pieces of good news, we feel better. Our perception of good and bad is manifested in our upbringing, which is influenced by our parents, guardians, teachers and religious authorities. That way, what is fair or unfair to us can be branded as the opinion of the society as a whole. But that is what life is all about; it is a curious mix of the good, bad and the ugly.
The events and conversations involve people and it is these people who make themselves heard. This way, people become the carriers of the good and bad tidings. We have preachers and rumor mongers in equal measure; therefore there is no wonder that our senses are pervaded sometimes by positive news and at others, by the bad news. With freedom of speech taken for granted, you can’t blame the people for voicing their opinion. Nor can we find fault with the system, since, apparently, the system did not provide any guidelines.
It then becomes an issue of collective awakening. We can start with ourselves and spread good and healthy messages. At the same time, we can encourage our family, friends, colleagues and neighbours to take a leaf from such action. One cannot say with any degree of certainty about the mix of good and bad people, though there is a popular opinion in favour of a large crowd of good people. Unfortunately, our perception is heavily tilted in favour of reacting instantly to anything that is evil. Good people and their utterances generally go unnoticed. But good results and cordiality will get a big boost if a message is spread on resisting negativity in everyday life.
There is a popular saying; “Charity begins at home”. Let us lap it up because it is to our larger advantage if societal changes can be helped by positive news. We must encourage others by talking, sharing, advising and prompting on good values. This will certainly alter the existing ratio of good people to the bad ones. But it will require courage and refinement on our part. We can start with little children in the family and juniors at work place. Ignore any minor setbacks which crop up and just go ahead. It is the least we can do for the betterment of our surroundings and the society in general. The community can reap a huge benefit if it is made of good Samaritans in larger numbers.
                                                                                           Written by- Eapenvalakuzhy

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